We Redefine 3D Printing

At PERFI, we democratize personalized manufacturing with our unique understanding of 3D printing. We strive to achieve speed, precision and design freedom simultaneously in producing products tailored to personal traits.

We tackle the impossible triangle in 3D printing. 3D printing, often interchangeably used with additive manufacturing, is forced to choose two out of three key metrics in manufacturing. We develop technical solutions that minimize the compromise when it comes to high-speed personalized manufacturing.

We are currently developing solutions for use cases in audiology, digital dentistry and scientific research

Personal earmolds for hearing aids, ear protection, earplugs, in-ear-monitor, etc.

Crown, nightguard, splint, denture, surgical guide, clear aligner, etc.

High design freedom and rapid 3D printing at a low cost for those who love science

Cut The Waiting – Get your unique objects built on-site

Say goodbye to slow, layer-by-layer processes. We make instant delivery of high-quality personalization effortless by integrating synergistic technologies into a one-click solution.

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